
Enriching Your Life

We are on a mission to:

Advocate For, Develop, and Engage Otsego County Seniors in Activities that Offer Opportunities to Improve The Quality Of Their Lives.

With a vision for:

All Seniors Living Confident, Meaningful Lives.

Our memberships are:

Designed to meet your individual needs and interests, you are on your way to being the best you can be.

About Connections

Connections is centered on helping people to age well. Continue learning, forming friendships, and enriching your quality of life with everything we have to offer you!

Connections provides experiences through exercise, speakers, art, music, and games that promote one's physical, social, emotional, intellectual well being. Enjoy a variety of activities in a supportive environment.

people kayaking on the otsego lake in otsego county, NY for cooperstown connections events

Achieving our goals through community partnerships:

Find your community & yourself at one of our events!